Monday 4 May 2020

COVID-19: False Glory

It seems Labour and the far-left loonies in particular are saying that Boris has gone even further left than them and has introduced Universal Basic Income.

Talk about covering yourself in false glory.

The stimulus package (if I can call all the various individual packages rolled into one that), is just a temporary measure. It is there to ensure people have jobs and companies are kept going whilst the temporary effects of the pandemic are weathered.

UBI is a permanent, regular payment made to everyone.

To claim that Boris is copying Labour policies is ludicrous.

We haven't heard how the stimulus package is going to be paid for yet because no-one likes to be the bearer of bad news. But it will have to be paid for.

Luckily those companies and jobs the package has saved will be able to pay it all back in taxation. Possibly a little more taxation than the government would have planned for prior to the pandemic. But it will be paid for.

Hopefully the Leftie luvvies will be called out on the media for their false glory, but I doubt it.

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