Okay, so in my previous blog I pointed out the decades where Labour either ignored the lot of the working class, or just plain ignored them and sided with the big corporations (as during the Blair/Brown years).
"By ye deeds shall ye be known" is exactly how Labour failed. They in effect lied: saying they would respect the referendum result, but effectively campaigned for remain by blocking the Conservative's Brexit plan even when the Irish backstop had been removed by Boris Johnson's team. Voters are very canny and you can't lie to them for three years without being found out. The mixed messages from Labour MPs just convinced the voters Labour couldn't be trusted. There were times when two Labour MPs on two different TV channels were saying exactly opposite things. Nor are the people happy when political parties block legislation they ask for just for political purposes.
The voters are not fools. By Labour not ruling out remain, the voter knew that remain was the real focus and the pseudo-Leave viewpoint was just a smokescreen to try and con Labour leave voters into voting for them. The working class Labour leave voter had been conned during the 2017 election. They wouldn't be conned again.
That's effectively where Labour stood: diametrically opposed to their Northern Labour heartlands.
No amount of freebies promised by Labour would have changed that. The people know that someone has to pay for the freebies. Whether it's in the form of higher taxes or their children paying off the national debt in the future, the people are wise to false promises. The WORKING class, the poor that work and pay taxes are the ones that always get hit worst by Labour's schemes.
And they paid the price. Labour lost 50 seats and handed the Conservatives won a landslide majority.
Labour seats that had always voted Labour, switched to the Tories, such was the depth of feeling. Labour-voting wards that the party had taken for granted for two long, had been ignored by Labour for too long, voted Tory.
Quite clearly the policies included in the Labour manifesto were seen as a threat to the living standards of the working class.
How did the Labour leadership respond to this major defeat? Denial.
Really? At first glance you'd have to think "how could the Labour leadership be so thick?", but the Socialists do have a habit of denying reality.
Yes, Brexit was a festering sore that needed lancing in the Labour heartlands. But also spunking trillions on freebies for those out of work paid for by the working poor, or saying you'd pay for it by taxing corporations whilst conversely saying you'd vote remain so they can offshore tax to Luxembourg, is just ludicrous.
Corbyn laughingly came out with a speech that said they needed a period of reflection. Which I take to signal he's not going anywhere soon and takes no responsibility for the crushing defeat.
Immediately after the general election, Labour leaders were also saying it was Brexit that had caused the problem and not their policies or the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn.
It's even been said that some Labour MPs have called their constituents thick for voting Conservative.
Way to go guys, blame the people you ignored for decades for giving you an electoral slap.
No, you need to start supporting the working classes whose votes you rely on and you have been consistently ignoring for decades.
The working poor understand that unfettered unskilled depresses their wages and also increases competition for job places. That's why they voted to leave the EU. They want immigration limited to people with skills we need. No more cheap labour for the big corporations: lets start improving wages and living standards for the working class.
They don't want (as Labour voted to in this year's party conference) to give illegal or undocumented immigrants the automatic right to settle.
They also don't want those immigrants to have automatic access to welfare, the welfare that the working poor pay for in taxation.
They don't want immigrants to have automatic access to education and housing and all the other things that taxation pays for. The working poor are burdened with enough tax, they don't like other people that haven't paid to get things for free.
They also don't want anyone in the world to have access to the NHS they pay for.
The working class believe in fairness and equality. They saw that Labour's 2019 manifesto was unfair, unjust and unequal.
Despite the delusions of the Labour leadership, the working class rejected their manifesto wholeheartedly. They are not put on this earth to slave away for the rich for a pittance, neither are they put on this earth to pay for everyone else in the world to get free education, housing and health care. They want their country to be fairer, more just and more equitable.
Deliver that Labour, and the working class will vote for you without hesitation.
What of the Labour leadership that brought them to such catastrophe? I predict nothing will change.
Not the policy, nor the leadership. I predict Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters along with bouncer McDonnell will strive to stay at the helm. The cult of Corbyn and the Momentum acolytes will see to that.
After all it wasn't the dear leader's fault they lost, it was the media, the J*ws, Twitter, YouTube political bloggers, the weather and a vast number of other excuses including the thick, gullible Northern voters.
No, no, no, it wasn't dear leader Corbyn's fault. He is sainted and above reproach. If only the voters would listen to him....
What’s wrong with being fragmented anyway?
Think we should pause and consider these three postings:
What is “the right” anyway? Does it not mean today the dissidents unhappy
with the country bein...
15 hours ago
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