There's a big following for jacob Ress-Mogg and his pro-Brexit stance. He is very articulate and talks a good talk. The reason I haven't praised him that much in this blog and subscribed to "Mogg-mentum" is the fact he doesn't denounce Thereesa may but instead vociferously praises her.
I always had my suspicions that he was just a brexit voice in the Conservative party to placate the true Brexiteers in the country: that there was someone in the Parliamentary Conservative Party pushing "our" agenda.
The same goes for Boris Johnson: I thought he was a heavyweight Brexiteer that would help push a closer out thatn in approach to Brexit.
That was until Boris' Speech this week at the Tory party convention. To give much pro-Brexit rhetoric and then to promptly undo it by saying stick with Theresa May I find spineless and quite patronising. Either Chequers (Theresa may's own version of Brexit remember) is the way forward and everyone shuts up, or it's a load of rubbish, tantamount to treason. In which case the author (one T. May) needs to go and go quickly.
To say she's shit but stick with her is pretty poor form from both Bo-Jo and JR-M.
Fake Brexiteers the pair of them.
The only way to get a Brexit that is actually an exit from the EU seems to be a mass vote for UKIP.
Who Says They Have No Work Ethic?
A senior civil servant with *security vetting* was allegedly paid for three
full-time jobs by *different Government departments* – at the same time.
The ...
5 hours ago
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