Lately I've been reading interesting reports from over in America. The Trumpites seem to think that the FBI is on manoeuvres to "drain the swamp" and incarcerate those in the elite that are working against American freedoms and the little man.
My take on it is somewhat less delusional. I think it's pointed at espionage both industrial, economic and political.
For instance there are reports of 5000 sealed indictments a month being bandied about in the "drain the swamp" circles. Te conspiracists maintain this is a growing list of elite actors that conspire with foreign powers to subvert the power of the USA.
I personally think that the indictments are a list of domestic and foreign personnel that are working to bleed America of it's technolgical, industrial and military supremacy. For decades China for instance has been syphoning industrial and military information away from US companies for decades. The latest batch of high-tech aircraft are one example, spearheaded by the latest revelation of the Hong-20 stealth bomber, purported to be a rip-off of the B-2 stealth bomber.
The case of Su Bin, a Chinese spy in Canada who was caught by the FBI identifying targets for Chinese state hackers and then validating information found by them is a classic instance of what I'm talking about where I think the FBI are going with these thousands of indictments.
One of the main failings of Western governments is dealing with people within their borders who act privately and publicly against the very countries they live in.
Whether it's Chinese industrial espionage, people traffiking, drug importation or Muslim Jihadis, all are acting against the countries they live in.
America has subtly changed the legal rules regarding those people so they can be tried in military rather than civillian courts. The swamp drainers think that means a French Revolution purging of the elites, but I think it's aimed at these foreign actors.
The recent closing of the Sunspot Solar Observatory is most likely related to this wide-ranging and on-going investigation. Its position oversees the White Sands missile testing range and it would be quite easy for a spy to insstall some covert device there to do some serious signals intelligence and thereby find out the frequencies and waveforms that US missiles use to locate and lock onto targets. It may be that hackers used existing equipment to do the spying. Quite handy for anyone wanting to jam such signals.
Another link in the chain are the latest revelations (currently being denied all over) that a Chinese actor planted devices in servers that allowed a back door to Chinese hackers. It's possible the report is factually inaccurate, but the substance of devices planted into everyday network products may not be far of the mark. I've always wondered at the intelligence of companies that allow their hi-tech equipment to be made in a country that will aggressively interrogate, reverse-engineer and if necessary infiltrate them.
A small and probably unknown factor is the flow of money to radical Muslim organisations via the Halal meat trade. Stemming the flow of money would cut off the money supply to extremists within and without America, as would the sequestration of the funds held by those wealthy Muslims sponsoring extremists and money coming in from Gulf states to Salafist Mosques.
Clearing out the rats nest infesting the USA and directly syphoning technology to China would be the biggest blow to the Chinese economy.
Putting an end to the flow of money to Jihadis from wealthy Muslim sympathisers in America would deal them a blow too.
Closing down people traffickers on Americas Southern border and the associated drug industry and the money they make is another step the FBI I'm sure are looking into.
The rhetoric coming out of the Trump administration points to all of this and not before time.
However, if I were a Western person living in China, the Gulf States or South America, I would be considering my options to return home.
Hopefully the Mid-Term elections will give the Trump administration the boost and the personnel in place needed to implement the end game.
How Many Other Cases Are There?
Families of the *Nottingham stabbing victims* have *accused NHS staff of
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39 minutes ago
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