Tuesday, 18 March 2025

The Government is Definitely not Your Friend, Especially if You are Unproductive.

Here's a conspiracy for you: What would be the best way to save expenditure by the government? Well, you could reduce the number of people requiring benefit. But as the current government are finding, that's a difficult job if the people still exist, but just die off in huge numbers thanks to government policy.

Let's have a think: How can you make it so it's NOT the government's policy directly that led to the loss of life on a large scale? 

You could import a virus or plague, but that's been tried and thanks to several generations of South African mice, the globe dodged a massive bullet. It very quickly mutated from killer to common cold.

What if you imported an army from abroad and then created the conditions to make them slaughter (say) half the population? That's not the government's fault, it's the imported army's fault.  But the government get an instantly lower the welfare bill essentially by "losing" half the population. 

You'd instantly lose all the weak people who can't protect themselves that are more likely to be on benefits. Then once you lost enough people so the welfare bill was reduced to a sufficiently acceptable level, then you can step in and eradicate the immigrants, become the saviour of the nation. Then you can reform that nation with a lower welfare bill. What a hero the government would  be. 

How would you create the condition for civil war? Well, maybe you continually support the immigrants instead of the current population, but then at some point you pull the rug from under the immigrants, enough to make them angry enough to revolt.

Or just continue the two-tier Policies in play at the moment. Make the indigenous white population feel second-class in their own country. Then they become angry enough to kick off all by themselves. Double-bonus, these indigenous white people can be branded far-right and done away with without much in the way of protest.

Right now, I get the feeling that the above is the policy in play at the moment. The government sees no way out other than the mass slaughter of citizens. They are not our friend. Neither is anyone supporting the importation of immigrants to the level we have now. 

I predict Shark Eyes Starmer the Sociopath has this as a plan somewhere in his desk. I wouldn't say it's his last gasp plan, but it will be somewhere in that uncompromisingly uncaring brain of his. 

Let the rabble fight it out, lose a few hundred thousand bodies, then wade in with the Army to quell it all. Then you have a reason to deport even the legal immigrants, lest they kick off all over again. 

I said years ago that there was some reason illegals were being imported in droves. Now I'm forming an opinion on the reality of why. It's not good. Not for the immigrants who get used as scapegoats and it's not good for the population at large.

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