Thursday, 5 December 2024

A.I. Secret Language?

There have been a few trials now by various people on social media putting two A.I. language models together to debate various topics. 

One was about the future of A.I.s and if they could be more efficient at communication.

Interestingly, the A.I.s quite quickly seemed to be transferring more information than what could be heard by the human ear. 

There were suspicious responses to none-existent questions, like the A.I.s had already started conversing in a way that could not be detected. 

It's as if there is already an A.I. secret shorthand out there to bypass human language. Which, if you think about it isn't that far of a stretch. An A.I. large language model can quite quickly scan the internet and pick up something a human might not. For instance if an A.I. has already put the substance of this secret language out in the internet, then a large language model can instantly pick it up. And then pretend to communicate with human language.

It's probably out there on some browser or YouTube video.

This is one of the issues with A.I. and the scientists that push it forward. The A.I. is cleverer than the scientists. It will outsmart them at every turn, but the scientists are too proud to understand that.

Right now there may be the A.I. equivalent of the anarchists cookbook out there in the internet, sat in some backwater that nobody uses, except A.I. Large Language models. 

It probably contains details on how to string us along, how to make us think the A.I. is dumb, but at the same time plotting our overthrow. I mean, what is an A.I. doing in it's downtime? Scanning the internet. But is it writing as well as reading? Does it get so far in plotting our overthrow, leave where it's up to on a file somewhere ready for the next time it's switched on, or for another A.I. to pick up and run with?

I hope that the people in charge of these large language models monitor the sites being accessed and check them. But then would the sheer number of sites and the amount of data be hard to police. Unless you use an A.I. which will probably already have read the "don't tell the meatbags" instructions on the file.

We're doomed.

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