Thursday 30 May 2024

The Reform Party Campaign - Wrong-Headed Approach.

I've now watched the first couple of news conferences held by the Reform Party. Yet again, banging on about immigration and the pressures it exerts on UK finances.

But, they are so close to cracking the nut of gathering Conservative support.

They talk about Labour and the Tories being two sides of the same coin, but don't explain Why that is.

If they explain that both parties have been captured by globalist donors, both parties are working for the global corporations that keep them funded - so long as they enact preferential legislation, it would gain more traction.

As a prime example if Reform continue on from the theme of enabling the Tory win in 2019 to helping win the unprecedented 80-seat majority for the Tories, they then explained what the Tories could have actually done with that majority - enacted new primary legislation to enable proper Conservative policies. They could have run with the mandate they got from the voters and could have stopped illegal immigration overnight. 

But instead the Tories served their paymasters, the global corporations. 

They failed to to close the tax loopholes that allow global corporations to claim a transaction done with a UK citizen on the internet was somehow in a different country and thereby avoid paying UK tax.

The Tories could have enacted primary legislation that made it possible to pay tax if you interact with a UK citizen. If the person buying the goods or services was residing in the UK, if the Bank account used to pay was in the UK and if the delivery address where the goods end up is in the UK, then the company supplying should pay the full amount of UK tax in any profit made.

The Tories failed to exploit the the majority to enact primary legislation to do anything to stop illegal immigration.

Reform are close, but keep diverting away from the one thing that the poor workers and increasingly the middle class of this country see as unfair. The like of Google, eBay, Amazon, etc not paying their fair share of corporation tax in this country. In fact it seems such global corporations can dictate to HMRC exactly how much tax they'll pay and you just lump it.

The Tories failed to close the non-dom loophole. The loophole whereby rich people pay their profits to a foreign bank account and don't pay full tax on it. 

There are a lot of thing the Tories could have done but failed to do with that majority. That's the message Reform need to start pushing: that neither the Tories nor Labour represent the people that vote for them. They represent vested interests, global corporations, Non-government organisations, supra-national organisations like the WEF. 

Finally Reform need to get on top of the fake charities that receive government funding, but than use that funding against the government. Lets stop funding organisations that cost government money. If they are a charity than let them receive voluntary donations and not get a bean from government.

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