Monday 14 August 2023

"Turkish" Barber Money Laundering.

The way to put an end to the money laundering is to stop using such establishments. You know the type: the Turkish barbers who are actually Albanian setting up shop with a beautifully equipped and immaculately finished barbers. From scratch, with no obvious previous activity.

That establishment is set up with a huge initial loan from an Albanian crime boss. The guys in the business aren't the people taking out the loan, they are employees of the crime boss.

In my town there are now around a dozen of these establishments. Too many to make a profit. But that's not the point. The place will stay open as long as it takes to launder the initial loan.

If the business does well and turns a profit, so much better. But the reason for the business existing in the first place is to launder the initial outlay.

The way to stop abuses like this is to refuse to use these establishments. That way the "loan" will take forever to repay. We don't want organised crime on our high streets. 

The same goes for the hand car washes that use virtual slave labour to man them. Stop using them and use a car wash that doesn't use slave labour. 

More publicity needs to be out there highlighting these issues.

There was a programme on TV a few weeks ago that tracked down a group of Albanian "refugees" from their 4-star hotel daily to their place of work: a hand car wash in the town. Don't think this is an isolated experience. It's happening the length and breadth of the country. 

But hey, nothing to see here. The Banks aren't interested. Instead they close down the acco8unts of legitimate businesses, whilst the actual money launderers carry on unaffected.

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