Wednesday 26 July 2023

"British Miracle Meat" is Supposedly Satire, but is it a Gateway? Softening us up for Genocide?

I've blogged before about how the trail we are following leads to the forced elimination of "useless" individuals.

The WEF and it's accolytes have also let slip that useless people are useless and the question is, what do you do with them? 

Now we get Channel 4's program "British Miracle Meat", which is supposedly a satire, where famous chefs eat meat ostensibly grown from human meat. 

Yeah, did you just see that nudge there? 

All our meat worries can be solved, if only people would "donate" their flesh so that it could be grown in tanks. Hmmm. No need to donate, the state can take it all, to reduce the tax burden. Let's go all "Soylent Green".

And the most worrisome "fact" out of this satire? The flesh of children tastes the best.

Yeah, given the track record of the media, this is definitely a drama the BBC couldn't air. 

I don't begrudge Ch4 doing this programme, but why now? Especially given the pieces in play at the moment, it's a bit close to the edge for me.

But, given that there is an underclass, a net drain on the economy who refuse to work uncertain hours on zero hours contracts, or for wages that pay less than welfare (not like those luuvely bearded immigrant types who'll work for peanuts and sleeps 50 to a house).

So what do you do with a population that cannot be made to make profits and are a net drain on the economy? How would you start to change public opinion? Jaunty semi-docu-drama programs that "challenge" opinions? That would be one way.

I'm not waiting for the associated ever so worthy and compassionate gateway docu-drama on State Assisted Suicide morphing into State Assisted Death and making killing mandatory. "It's just a change of terminology", or "It's to relieve your suffering, don't you want that?" or "Surely you don't want to live in a tent for the rest of your life?".

I see what you are doing guys. 

I'll be watching for the drip, drip, drip feeding of other messages in future. And I will point them out.

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