Wednesday 19 October 2022

They want ALL Your Money.

 The tax cut u-turns by the government prove an unsettling point that I've had for a long time. That the government basically want ALL your money. They want you to be a wage-slave, a serf, a drone. You work essentially for nothing but the state then provides all your needs. You will own nothing but you will be freed from responsibility and be happy.

Sound familiar? It's the Great Reste writ large. 

We are currently paying the highest amount in tax for several decades, but we are receiving a lot less in return.

As an example back when we were paying this level of tax as a percentage of GDP was the Fifties and Sixties. Back then we had a huge standing Army in Germany and around the World. We had a huge Navy and Airforce. We had a civil defence network across the country and government funded R&D was at an all-time high.

Look to today and what do we get for our money? A drastically reduce Navy that cannot support all of it's commitments, an Airforce a fraction of the size it was, with no strategic bombing capability and no air defence network within the UK. The standing Army in Germany is long gone. We have a few tanks and troops now stationed further East in Estonia or Latvia (another bone of contention for Putin no doubt). 

The civil defence network is long gone. If we had a nuclear attack in the UK, I doubt we would be able to respond. Hopefully the sub skippers have instructions based on loss of communication and verification of attack by independent means before they launch a retaliation.

The NHS currently hoovers up the bulk of revenue, but as front-line workers opine all the time, that money isn't getting to the front line. Instead, virtually half of the NHS budget is going towards lawsuits created by mistakes made affecting patients. Tony Blair's launch of the "no-win, no-fee" system means that more than ever ambulance chasing accident/malpractice lawyers are bleeding the NHS dry. 

There really needs to be a full in-depth review of where taxpayer's money goes and how it's being used.

Then we can start to form a strategy on how we best spend that money, rather than keep spending ever larger amounts for ever reducing services.

But the push now by government is that these limited services will be funded by ever more taxation until everyone is on a 99% or even 100% tax rate. 

We have to start resisting this high taxation. Government is a monster that will not stop devouring ever larger amounts of money 

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