Wednesday 31 August 2022

The Enduring Saga of Shamima Begum.

 Someone in the media really want the ISIS bride Shamima Begum back in the UK. For what reason I don't know, other than to create column inches.

She's been stripped of her UK citizenship and that should have been the end of that chapter, she should have been left in the Syrian refugee camp to ponder on her life choices and also as a lesson to others thinking of joining anti-UK organisations.

But now we have the story that she was trafficked into Syria by a Canadian agent. I fail to see the significance of who got them into Syria. They would have found someone to eventually get them across the border, but of course this new revelation just adds fuel to the "Evil West exploiting Shamima" narrative.

Let's get it straight. She went to join ISIS with her friends. They were determined to join and they would have found someone, anyone to get them across the border. The fact that the trafficker that got them into Syria was reporting movements across the border back to his Canadian handlers is of no material value in her efforts to be allowed back into the UK. It's a big "So What?". The trafficker was doing his job getting willing volunteers into Syria and if it wasn't the spy guy, it would have been someone else.

Sorry Shamima, entry denied. Again.

And to the media, can we just lay this one to rest and let her see out her days in Syrian camps? 

I know it would fill your pages and bump up viewing figures if she was let in and then subsequently went on some hate-fuelled rampage and killed a bunch of people, but if that's why you're pushing Shamima's return then you're a bigger bunch of cunts than I took you for. 

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