Monday 7 February 2022

Here We Go: Work Until You Die: The Return of The Serf.

It seems moves are afoot to yet again raise the retirement age. The likes of myself, only 8 years away from retirement at 67, may never actually get to retirement as the rumour is the age is going to now be raised to 68. For people born later, the government seems to be looking at raising the age past 70.

Now, given the average age of death or life expectancy is currently 82, that doesn't give people a particularly long retirement. 

Some may argue that some people live well into their Nineties, but they are a minority. By 75, if you're not already worked to death then you can look forward to a 7 year retirement,

Whoopie Fucking Do.

People really need top start looking at successive governments and political parties and wake up to the realisation that they do not work for us, the people. Pressure always needs to be applied and when that pressure is released, the governments slip back to type and revert to favouring their fat-cat buddies in business.

My solution? Easy. Hit the companies that offshore their corporation tax liabilities with double or treble Employer's national Insurance. Because they HAVE to pay employer's national insurance, they cannot offshore that liability. Yes, I'm talking about the massive high-street killing tax evaders Google, Amazon, eBay, PayPal, et al.

If they want to earn billions and send it overseas, then sorry, we'll devise a strategy to claw that money back. For decades companies have avoided paying huge sums of tax and as a result the exchequer doesn't have the money to pay for pensions. 

They're not only sending money offshore, but they have also decimated the high street so we're losing out on the tax that would be paid here in the UK. 

So it's about time we started loading them with punitive measures to repay for the destruction they have caused to our national tax take. Well, here's a plan to get some of that money back.

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