Monday 21 February 2022

Canadian Authorities Lie to Justify Violence Against Peaceful Protesters.

There have been a number of live YouTube streams showing the protests in Ottawa. Peaceful protests showing the lies of the Canadian Government and the Local Police and Council Authorities.

The first lie was that Nazi sympathisers were part of the protest. Not true. The guy with a flag with Swastikas on it was actually protesting against the government and the Swastikas were to show that the government were the same as the Nazi regime in Germany. He wasn't a Nazi sympathiser.

But that didn't stop Trudeau and his government misrepresenting the truth and lying about that flag and it's actual purpose.

Then the government lied about the war memorial in Ottawa being desecrated by the protesters. Yet hundreds of hours of YouTube live streams in which people deliberately checked the memorial showed no desecration. If putting flowers and wreaths on a war memorial is desecration, you'd better charge Her Majesty the Queen, because she does it every year and no-one stops her vandalous act.

The government put a barrier around the undesecrated memorial to "protect" it from the fictitious threat.

Eventually war veterans removed the fence to gain access and properly pay their respects to their fallen comrades. They held a prayer ceremony on the memorial. The same veterans that were violently removed from the memorial. One having his leg broken in the process.

The second lie regarding the war memorial was that the fence had been removed recklessly, when in fact the veterans had contacted the local town council and had mutually agreed to remove the fence. The Canadian Government spun it like the fences were torn down maliciously in an attempt to further desecrate the memorial. 

Then the lies about the protestors acting violently. Except they weren't. We saw plenty of violence from the Police though. Assaults with Batons, Protesters being kneed in the body when on the ground being cuffed, Assault rifles used to smash windows and to rifle-butt protesters on the ground, pepper spray in the eyes of protesters at point blank range, stun grenades, tear gas and tear gas canisters being shot at protesters deliberately also at point blank range. A number of the above against the police's own regulations and rules of engagement. But the protesters are in the wrong supposedly.

Then we get to the worst lie of all: the use of horses to trample protesters. Except the Police deny trampling protesters despite video and photographic evidence. The Police going as far as to say that the pictures were photoshopped, then saying that a bicycle was thrown at the horses. Except both were lies. The pictures and video evidence show the pictures weren't photoshopped and the "bicycle" involved was the disability aid of an elderly woman that was trampled by the horses. The horses actually trampled her and her walker.

Now you may say what was a disabled elderly woman doing in a violent protest? Well, it wasn't violent on the protester side. The woman was quite safe until the point the RCMP charged the crowd with their horses.

So two lies about a single incident. 

Despite all the provocation from the Police, the protesters in the main were passive and compliant. I have yet to see a report of an injury of a Police officer, but I have seen several injuries of protesters. Yet another nail in the coffin of the lie that the protests were violent.

When one side (The Police) continuously lies to justify their (unjust) actions and the other side is injured, then you know who is in the wrong, who is the aggressor in Ottawa.

I have a feeling that the Emergencies act will be passed by Trudeau and his cronies today in the Canadian Parliament. I expect those MPs opposing the deployment of the cat will not be able to muster enough votes against it. Therefore I expect Canadian citizens to receive more violence, more seizure of assets and more restrictions on their freedoms.

Not just the protesters, but innocent bystanders, people that may have provided financial, moral or physical support to the protesters. All are fair game in the eyes of Trudeau. And I'm pretty sure he won't stop there. There seems to be an emerging narrative that the protests are being funded and coerced from outside Canada. Well sure, the funding from ordinary folk around the world that can see the injustices of Trudeau's actions are providing funds to the various funding websites, but this is not Russiagate style state actor collusion. But that won't stop Trudeau pushing that idea.

I expect a nationwide truck strike in Canada in the next week. I just wonder how Trudeau will react. Will he use the emergencies act to compel truckers to work? Will he threaten freezing of their bank accounts if they don't work?

We'll see. 

But dark days for Canada are ahead I fear.

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