Monday 1 November 2021

Are The Far Left Useful Idiots For The Big Corporations?

 I was recently mulling over the rise of cancel culture. I have seen several times where leftist organisations, whether it be media, special interest groups or political organisations tend to work in concert to promote a narrative. 

The actions against Project Veritas for instance are interesting because the lawsuits that PV are laying out to various organisations should bring to light where the narrative is coming from through disclosure requests. 

But it's a classic case: Journalist works alongside special interest group to create a narrative against PV, special interest group releases report and journalist cites special interest report in article mere hours later.

It's a neat circle. But who actually instigates that narrative? Who instructs the special interest group and then tips off the journalist? Who is actually at the top of the pyramid?

Increasingly the narrative benefits big corporations. 

The vitriol against Brexit was a classic case. Brexiteers were all branded Racists by the opposition, with no evidence. Just based on a narrative created from where? Before the Brexit referendum, Brexiteers were referred to as "Little Englanders". But once the threat against the status quo became real, the pejorative moved up a notch to "racist".

We see it elsewhere to. Against immigration? "Racist".

Against lockdowns? "Vaccine Denier".

Sceptical on Global Warming? "Climate Denier".

Yes, let's take climate change as an example. I'm sure the same corporate interests are pushing that agenda too. Greenpeace, the bastion of environmentalism went corporate years ago. The U.N. is also full of corporatists pushing the corporatist agenda. I do not trust any of them. But it's nothing new as the higher ups in corporations have always taken well-paid senior roles in NGOs.

I can't understand how saving the planet is about consuming more. Throw away your petrol cars and buy electric. Electric cars that you don't fully own because the corporation owns the software that controls it. Want an update, then behave and don't modify your car. Want to modify it to get more power? Then don't expect software support. Just lease the car and don't own it. Just one more step to owning nothing.

It's funny how 20 years ago the left were dead against the corporations, but are now it seems are controlled by them. It's a shame the leftists themselves can't see it. They are now footsoldiers for the one-world corporate governance and the great reset. 

I see very few people on the left enlightened enough to see this and call it out. Mainly because they are drowned out by the acolytes, the worshippers for the corporatist religion. 

Cancel culture is another facet of this, being used to target and de-platform individuals that go against the narrative. 

This subversion is clearly shown in the "occupy" movement and how that was subverted by corporatists afraid of such a movement causing problems for the elites of the world. The Socialist redistribution of wealth demanded by occupy has been subverted so that rather than the elites paying more tax, the burden for tax to finance initiatives like climate change has actually fallen on the poorest in society. 

"Beware what you ask for" is probably a salient phrase for most of the leftists ideology, because it seems that they are being used as a tool to further agendas that favour the elites.

But they are not yet enlightened enough to pick up on the fact that wherever they demand is being used and mis-used to further corporatist interests. More interested in the object than the outcome, once someone gives in they see it as "job done", no matter how skewed the outcome eventually becomes, or how badly it affects those with most to lose. i.e. the poor.

Take fracking as another example. Fracking could provide cheap energy for the poorest in society, but the useful idiots in the anti-fracking movement have been very successful at closing fracking down in the UK. Thereby pushing up the price of gas and thereby the profits for the big energy corporations. 

The Trans lobby has destroyed women's rights in the West. No longer can women win at their own sports, because trans athletes demand equal access to female sports. Without a hint of irony and ignoring reality and science the trans lobby have denied any physical advantage over biological women. 

I could say that most of these protestation are made by the Middle and lower upper classes. The middle-managers gluing themselves to roads for insulate Britain and the upper-class kids playing activist for extinction rebellion.

All of this leftist bollocks has to stop. The people within the various left-leaning lobby and interest groups need to understand the damage they are doing to democracy. They need to understand that inadvertently (for the most part) they are ushering in a new age of corporatist controlled authoritarianism. Otherwise known as Fascism.

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