Nigel Farage has stated he won't contest the 300-odd seats held by the Conservatives at the last election. and will instead concentrate on the Labour and Lib Dem seats.
This is a great move from a Conservative perspective, but I'm not sure whether the move will go down well in the Labour heartlands. mainly because Northern Labour candidates can brush the Brexit Party as the Faux Tory party.
Nigel now has to push an agenda and policy that differentiates him from the Tories and also dispels some of the myths about Brexit Party policy, especially regarding immigration, the NHS and benefits.
It's just not enough to shout Brexit and think you can get MPs into seats. Nigel has to start pushing policies.
With the right tactics, the Brexit Party can win a few seats in the North and hold the balance of power in Westminster. And this is what Nigel should be aiming for, as well as explaining to people the advantages of having a few TBP MPs in parliament. Mainly to supress the remain tendency in the Labour Party and Parliament as a whole at bay.
He should be out in the Media reminding the 17.4 million people and the 60-70% pro-Brexit margin in Northern constituencies how they have not just been ignored by their Labour MPs, but their MPs have actively voted against their wishes.
Hopefully with the right strategy, TBP can gain seats. The news this week of them not contesting Conservative seats is a step in the right direction. It's a shame though they didn't at least go up against any pro-remain voting Tories still in place and contesting seats.
In other news, it looks like UKIP is in it's final death throes. My local constituency group have called an EGM with the agenda of voting no confidence in the NEC and the Chairman. My local constituency Chairman has resigned in disgust at the antics of the UKIP NEC. UKIP party rules means that a significant number of constituencies calling for an EGM automatically triggers a national EGM and the automatic disbandment of the UKIP NEC. But I think that the UKIP NEC will hold on and refuse to go, against the wishes of the party members. It seems to be a trend in Politics these days. ;-)
To be honest, UKIP is as close to dead in the water as can be. No-one will go for leadership while they can't lead. Without a leader and with a membership at odds with the NEC and with the NEC and Chairman failing to realise they are killing the party, I'm convinced that if it doesn't fold up by the end of this year, by the end of 2020 UKIP will be no more.
It's a sad ending for a party that forced UK politics to change direction, won a huge victory and got 17.4 million people to vote to leave the EU and win the referendum.
It's a shame that those in the UKIP NEC could not work for the good of the party and not self-inflated ego. That they could not see what they were doing to the party, after successive leaders came an went. That the NEC were the problem and not the solution.
Who Says They Have No Work Ethic?
A senior civil servant with *security vetting* was allegedly paid for three
full-time jobs by *different Government departments* – at the same time.
The ...
14 hours ago
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