In an ideal world, Boris Johnson would do a deal with the Brexit party so that Conservative MPs are not contested by an alternative candidate to split the pro-Brexit vote.
Failing that, Nigel Farage needs to unilaterally stand aside in seats where there is a confirmed pro-Brexit Conservative candidate.
That way the pro-Brexit vote shouldn't be split and allow the Remainer Lib-Dems and Labour into what could have been pro-Brexit wins.
It's time to swallow some humble pie in order to get Brexit done.
Of course in labour and Lib-Dem seats, the Brexit party should go to town and put up some strong candidates. Preferably local candidates, so they can make good points about supporting the majority vote for Brexit in the North and hopefully fielding candidates the voters would feel happy voting for.
The absolute worst thing the Brexit party can do is to parachute Tory-looking middle-class candidates into working class wards. I know that Nigel likes his middle-class cohorts, but they won't work in Labour-held areas.
He needs to employ some good, strong identifiably working class candidates in those Labour heartlands in the North preferably with a local accent. That way he can hopefully sway those people that have voted Labour just for the sake of not voting anyone else.
Because let's face it, why would a working class person vote Labour today? A Labour party that has now gone out of it's way to signal it cares not for the poor working man in the UK, but instead for the poor of the rest of the world. By voting to have open borders and to give benefits and free NHS treatment to immigrants, including illegal immigrants, Labour have finally shat all over the poor working class. Those people struggling to make ends meet, those on minimum wage, those competing with the unskilled workers of Europe for scraps handed out by corporations that screw down the bottom line and would just like to have a free (read slave) workforce. Or a workforce paid for by the taxpayer.
We have to signal to the big corporations that enough is enough. Brexit has to be down to smash the globalist coprporatist conspiracy to put everyone on third-world wages. By voting for the Brexit Party instead of Labour, we get the double-whammy effect of doing the above and also hopefully shocking Labour into supporting the working class people of this country, like they were set up to do in the first place.
Brexit has to be done to force the Starbucks, the Googles and the Facebooks of the world to pay tax here in the UK and not some offshore tax-free haven. Then we can get the billions in tax revenue into the country's coffers and start spending it on helping those less well off. In this country.
This thing’s not unlike the Eloi and Morlocks
It does seem to me that there are some quite fundamental things missing
from this account from a lady in a “quiet market town”:
At 5pm today in the middl...
22 hours ago
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