It's never really spoken about because it's a sort of established but unspoken rule that there is a compact between the Elites and the lower classes generally that goes something like this:
We the lower classes will not rise up and slaughter you if you do not take advantage of your privileged position (after all there are more of us than there are of you, so it's very easy for us to take control if we feel the need). There have been numerous instances throughout history in the UK and abroad where these occasional "realignments" have taken place.
When the elite get a bit too cosy and start to exploit their position, then the people get a bit miffed and give them a slap. The fact that it may take hundreds or thousands of deaths as it did in the English Civil War and the French Revolution sort of understates the word "slap", but you get the jist...
We vote people into Parliament from across the spectrum that look after our interests but they will not demand too much from either the workers or the elites and will not give unfair advantage to either party. Fairness and equity for all.
That's how it's supposed to work. But currently it isn't. The Brexit debates in Parliament and the subsequent shenanigans regarding various attempts to subvert the referendum result are testimony to that fact that the compact between ordinary people and the Elite has broken down.
The people voted to remove the UK from the EU. We were told prior to the vote that a leave vote would entail the removal of the UK from the EU, the customs union, the single market and the ECJ.
The current deal and the debates about revoking article 50, or extending it etc. do not reflect what we were told would happen after a leave vote.
It would seem the elite in Parliament are getting a bit too cosy, a bit to complacent and a bit too sure of them selves. They tell us we didn't know what we were voting for (but told us exactly what we were voting for prior to the referendum), that lave voters have died off in the following two years and now there is a majority for remain (which is immaterial: the vote was cast in 2016, not today), they say we are bigots and fascists in order to dispute our legitimacy (with no evidence), they constantly feed us an anti-Brexit diet through the media (via the BBC, Newspapers, etc.) and finally they are removing dissenting voices from alternative media platforms on the internet (like with Sargon, Tommy Robinson, James Goddard etc.).
They are trying every trick in the book to overturn the will of the people in direct conflict with the established compact. They are on very thin ice....
The yellow vest protests in France are but one example of the breaking of the unspoken compact. That the yellow jackets have catalysed protests across the world should be a wake up call to the globalists that we the people are not ready to surrender to a globalist government, which by definition has to be authoritarian in order to complete it's goal. The people are stirring and once unleashed.....
How Many Other Cases Are There?
Families of the *Nottingham stabbing victims* have *accused NHS staff of
‘gross and inexcusable voyeurism’* for illegally accessing their medical
18 hours ago
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