I can't say how strongly I feel about this.
Both parties are not working in the best interests of the people that voted them into power. It can't be any clearer during these final stages of the Brexit process.
Rather than do as commanded by the people and exit the EU machine completely and totally (as we were told during the referendum), Theresa may has decided upon herself that we should be treated like children and came up with a "deal" that effectively removed us from the EU political machine, but locked us into all other aspects of the EU. i.e. not what we were warned about or promised during the referendum process.
So the Conservative do not warrant our vote for their twisting of the "deal" to keep us in the EU, to all intents and purposes providing the minimum legal definition of the phrase "Leaving the EU". For example leaving the EU commission and Parliament, but staying in the customs union and single market.
Labour are no better. With mere weeks to go to the 29th of march, they are saying "hand the reins over to us, we can negotiate a better deal!" really? With weeks to go they can modify months of negotiations? When they've already promised to keep us in "a" customs union? Don't make me laugh.
Labour as always are making cheap political points, rather than providing serious alternatives.
No, to be credible, Labour need to get off the fence, stop prevaricating and start to tell us EXACTLY what they would do if they (God forbid) won the no confidence vote today and got into power.
Without that EXACT roadmap, we cannot in good conscience vote for them. It sounds like it will be more of the same prevarication and weasel words, leading us into exactly the same position we are in now.
I say that the public should not vote for them. Both Labour and Conservative have had their go and they have failed spectacularly. The Conservatives have failed to deliver a real and proper Brexit and Labour have failed to hold them to task. Both behind the scenes want us to stay linked to the EU tighter than the Leave voters want.
So Fuck 'em. Don't vote for them, because if you do, you get the same damn thing. Nothing changes.
If you want change, vote for someone else. I say vote for UKIP, because they have the best chance of garnering enough votes to make a dent in the Westminster bubble. The threat of UKIP last time forced David Cameron to try and get concessions from Brussels. It forced him to hold the referendum. Only when the public show they will vote elsewhere will the mainstream parties listen.
Even if UKIP don't get a majority, getting a few MPs in Parliament will send enough shockwaves into the main parties to effect change.
Voting the same way and expecting change is the definition of madness. Vote UKIP and get change.
Who Says They Have No Work Ethic?
A senior civil servant with *security vetting* was allegedly paid for three
full-time jobs by *different Government departments* – at the same time.
The ...
14 hours ago
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