It seems that the Marxist Common Purpose organisation that influences large numbers of people in authority across the UK has made it across the pond to America.
Just idly Googling I see the Common Purpose Project was started under the Obama administration. At first you may think it has nothing to do with the insideous UK Common Purpose Marxist organisation, until you see that Julia Middleton (The founder of Common Purpose in the UK) has been to the USA and spoken to the American Common Purpose Project about "Authentic Leadership" whatever that is.
I suspect it's more of the "leading beyond Authority" bullshit that UK CP espouses.
If I was an American, I would be looking very closely at the CPP organisation. The issues that it causes over in the Uk are many-fold and I would hate for the upper echelons of American organisations to fall under it's influence.
In the UK we have Police enforcing diversity rather than tackle the problems caused by it. It's as if they turn a blind eye to the problems caused by it. They concentrate on hurty words on the internet rather than crimes that cause actual hurt like stabbings. It's ludicrous, but that's Common Purpose Mantra for you.
The UK Military are so under the thrall of it that they consider equality before actually doing the stuff they should be like fighting. We now have advertisements on TV showing an Army patrol stopping top allow a Muslim member of their group time to pray..... it's all about diversity and inclusivity rather than the job that particular organisation was supposed to do.
"Leading beyond Authority" describes this. Bollocks to the job you were employed to do, lead beyond authority and make sure your organisation is diverse, caring, enriching and inclusive rather than do the job you are paid to do.
A true leader would not be swayed by thes organisation. Only those who are not leaders and want to be a part of the herd and subscribe to the groupthink would come to the fore under the Commmon Purpose regime. And we see it time and time again where useless, spineless unleaders fuck up and carry on unhindered. There's always some excuse, like health & safety, diversity, equality,
This is a warning for people in the USA. In the UK we already have Common Purpose drones in place across senior positions in media, politics, industry, commerce, security services, emergency services and the military. For us it's probably too late to root out these people and end the influence of common purpose. Anyone that tries would have the full force of the elite and their drones aimed at discrediting them.
This thing’s not unlike the Eloi and Morlocks
It does seem to me that there are some quite fundamental things missing
from this account from a lady in a “quiet market town”:
At 5pm today in the middl...
2 days ago
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