Monday 30 July 2018

The Future is not Bright.... The Future is Authoritarian.

Authoritarians to the left of me, Authoritarians to the right....

We are closely coming to a crossroads on UK (if not World) politics. On this I'm deadly serious.

On the left you have an essentially Communist Labour party who would like nothing more than to interfere with your life in an increasingly intrusive way.

On the (almost) right we have the Tories, wilfully ignoring the will of the people and trying to "negotiate" the softest Brexit ever, leving us under the ever-more interfering and anti-democratic EU.

The choices for centrist liberals would normally be the Liberal party, but they have also hoist their flag to the authoritarian and anti-democratic EU in a most un-liberal way.

All the major parties want to take more tax without incresing the burden of accountability and now the EU has started making overtures about an EU-wide income tax and an EU Army without any concession in the way of making the organisation more open and democratically accountable.

So what choice does a Democratic, centrist, minimal-interference-from-government, out-of-the-EU, greater-accountability-in-Government loving voter do these days? Just where can I mark my X?

It seems there is very liitle choice at the moment. I have thrown my hat into the ring with UKIP, having become a member of that party. They are the nearest to a centrist party these days.

Despite the media's biased reporting of UKIP and some of the more unpalleatable comments coming from Gerard Batten their leader, they are the best hope for the common man to rally round and support to break the anti-democratic elitist deadlock we have in the UK.

For many months there have been rumours of a new party, a movement, a this, a that and probably an other, but with little actually happening. I've said before that Turkeys don't vote for Christmas and such a party would have a hard time getting decent funding because it's essentially a party that would remove the political priviledge and power of the elite..... and only the elite have the money to fund a new political party from scratch. Catch 22.

Of course now that voters are moving back to UKIP in large numbers, the smear stories are appearing in large numbers about anyone that has anything to do with the party as the elite desperately try to shut the growing movement down.

Also it seems that the Elite are trying to stifle "off-message" speech, hence the debate about a crackdown on "fake news" on social media. Which of course itself ironically is fake news. The truth is it's about control of the narrative and control of the public's access to alternative news outlets.

The Elite are really scared at the moment. Brexit and Trump were shots across the bows in what I suspect will become a war for freedom in the future. The problem is the Elite have the backing of the Leftist educational establishments, who happily peddle politically correct tosh at schoolkids.

All they have to do is wait and the Elite will be handed a whole population of sheep that have been taught not to question anyone in authority.

Authoritarianism is the new goal of the Elite, whether it comes from the thuggery and bullying of the left, the anti-democratic unelected European union, or the fascism of the extreme right.

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