Despite Sadiq Khan promising to put more Police on the streets (which he hasn't) during his mayoral election campaign violent crime in London has spiked, which he also promised (and failed) to reduce.
London is now officially a more dangerous city than New York. Why is it that Khan isn't being taken to task abiout this in the media? Certainly a Tory Mayor would be hauled over th coals about this and quite rightly too. But a labour Mayor should not be immune to criticism. Is it the Muslim factor I wonder? You know, the factor that stops Police investigating thinsg like child rape and grooming?
Anyhoo, crime is on the up in the capital, and a weekend frenzy of shootings of young people has hightened the complete failure of the Police to deal with criminal gangs in the capital.
Of course it's all political. The Metrolpolitan Police are a political animal these days, more intent on promoting an image rather than letting statistics speak for them.
Instead Cressida Dick come out shooting from the hip (excuse the pun) with Social Media firmly in her sights.
It's all the fault of Facebook and Snapchat aparrently. Not the fact that gangs of armed youths can drive around the streets of the capital with impunity and with little risk of being stopped and searched.. Of course the standard response as to why the Police isn't doing the job they are supposed to is it's all the fault of cuts. Not the actual problem which is the rampant political correctness that stops Police from stopping and searching gangs of youths because the majority of them are from ethnic minorities.
The Politicisation of the Police has effectively stopped them from doing their job. If they ceased to be political, then there's an argument for letting them get on with Policing, which means harrassing and arresting the mainly ethnic minority groups which are carrying out these crimes. Being apolitical means that there is no argument of bias, they are simply Policing: doing their job, without fear or favour.
Politicisation has brought with it the paralysis of political correctness. The Police are afraid to act in case they are called out as rascist. Policticisation has brought with it favour: only those that toe the political line get promoted into prominent places, irrespective of their ability actually to do the job.
Cressida Dick is a prime example of this, a classic Common Purpose placeperson. proven totally useless and caowardly during the DeMenezes affair, she was still promoted after making a hugely public fuckup that should have had her barrelling back down the ranks.
Instead of getting on and eliminating the threat from ethnic minority gangs i.e. actyually doing the job, she comes out with politically motivated attacks against social media. Straight out of the Common Purpose Marxist comminications control doctrine.
The more I look the more I see what's needed to sort this country out. Political correctness be damned: if a minority is causing a significant amount of crime, then the full forceof the Police and Judicial system should be brought to bear against them.
Without Fear or Favour.
The serious prospect of Reform as viable opposition?
… and as such … govt.
Two ex-Tories discussing Reform, Miriam Cates current Tory … to be expected
… however … that does not negate the clear issues with...
15 hours ago
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