No, not a new lorry-shaped superhero devoted to righting Police injustice, but a new twin trailer lorry developed by Denby Transport. Designed to carry light-but-bulky loads up to the legal weight limit of 38 tons.
The Police as usual in situations where they are unsure if its legal or not, decided to treat it as illegal and stopped it from going on the roads.
Hopefully now a test case will ensue to see who is right in law and whether the 25m long lorry can carry goods on the road. I do love it when private entrepreneurs take on the government. They rarely win, but its nice to see someone with the balls to have a go and push things along.
I love the specious argument from the Campaign for Better Transport loon spouting at the end of the report: "So we get 25m lorries that can carry 44 tons, then they'll carry 60 tons, do we then end up with 50m lorries carrying 100 tons?" No this is one lorry, designed to go up to the current legal maximum weight limit. Knob.
The serious prospect of Reform as viable opposition?
… and as such … govt.
Two ex-Tories discussing Reform, Miriam Cates current Tory … to be expected
… however … that does not negate the clear issues with...
3 hours ago
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