From the BBC: "Arctic to be Ice Free in Summer".
Yes, but not this summer, possibly in 10 years time according to the article, possibly never according to the accuracy of most long-term weather forecasts.
It does annoy when they spout on about global warming and its effects when there's no direct correlation with the amount of man-made CO2 and changes in the climate, plus the fact that the arctic passage has been open and navigable before in recorded history, so its not the doomsday scenario this and other reports peddle.
The Polar Bears survived last time, so why wouldn't they survive this time? I assume they moved inland and hunted for food there instead of on the ice floes. Of course the difference today as opposed to a century ago is that there are more people living within the Polar Bear hunting grounds. The ice melting isn't a problem for the bears, who will survive thanks to their ability to adapt. Instead the problem is with the people living and working in the Arctic Circle who who see climate change as a threat as it means they will have to live with Polar Bears foraging in their towns. They have no recollection of previous thawing periods, but just see the current thaw as a threat. I wonder whether the Inuit population are bothered about it. My guess is not as they probably have a historical record of previous thaws and probably just get on with adapting, rather than crying "the skies falling".
The serious prospect of Reform as viable opposition?
… and as such … govt.
Two ex-Tories discussing Reform, Miriam Cates current Tory … to be expected
… however … that does not negate the clear issues with...
2 hours ago
In less than 10 years time the climate change supporters will be seen as nothing more than purveyors of a latter-day South Sea bubble. It has no substance other than the volume of disingenous clap-trap offered up so-called experts in the thrall of the IPCC. A body so riddled with self-interest and bias that it is incapable of entertaining any independent opinions despite data that questions the whole premise of man-made global warming. Supported by the BBC a notoriously partial agency when it comes to left-wing politics despite assertions to the contrary, it ignores the dangererous consequences implicit in this slavish adherence to unproven dogma. Namely that the Government's reliance on renewable energy (aka wind power)despite substantial evidence from energy experts proving that it cannot meet present demand let alone future demand we will be subject to a punitive regime of taxation to pay for this folly! But without any guarantee that our lights will continue to burn after 2014 when the price and supply of fossil fuel alternatives will respectively rise and decline.