Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Yvette Cooper's Southport Speech: Reading Between the Lines.

 1. Prevent is not working. Up until now it has been a jobs for the boys backwater that has no accountability.

Yvette Cooper is to set up an independent public enquiry. However the government set up the terms of reference, i.e. white wash.

2. Prevent is not working. They will now be the scapegoat for government failure to take the extremist  radicalisation threat seriously. The government will attempt to close down access to extremist information. The online safety act will go further than originally envisioned.

3. Prevent is not Working. The government will write to online companies in the USA to ask them pretty please to stop access to online radicalisation information. The online companies will tell them it's your job to stop radicalisation and not our job to censor free speech. After all the USA have plans for 3D-printed guns, which are legal in the US. Amongst other things.

It's up to the government in the UK to sort out the issues that push kids to radicalisation in the UK. It's not for us companies to sort out the UK government's problems for them.

4. Counter Terrorism Police closed his cases they thought he was just a lone nutter. And until he killed tree kids, that's what the system classed him as. New policies have been put in place at prevent, that are as useless as the original policies, given that the counter-terrorism Police prefer to arrest journalists for their online content, who are a lot easier to scare than some stroppy radicalised teenager.

5. Yvette has created the job of independent Prevent Commissioner to oversee the actions of prevent and stick their oar in, thereby creating another level of incompetence. Another body the government can blame when the next terrorist attack is created by a person already known to prevent. 

6. The knife hat the stabber used was bought on Amazon. Expect even stricter controls online for knife purchase. And they are strict enough. I bought a Pizza Cutter from Amazon last week and I had to go through the extra checks for that. I was not impressed that Amazon pass my information to a third party to do the check. You know digital ID is coming....

In conclusion, it's the usual political platitudes and waffle. Nothing of substance is being down against the actual threat, extremist ideology. As I've said before, there's been no enquiry into what makes these sons and daughters of first generation immigrants turn to extremism. 

Previous generations, those that came here in the Seventies appear to have integrated just fine. Those that came in the Eighties and Nineties have had a harder time integrating. 

This is where I think multiculturalism is failing. Allowing immigrants to stay and then live independently, and not adopt English norms and protocols is a mistake. The kids being born to parents that don't integrate feel isolated. They are not familiar with the culture of their old country and they are not integrating into the culture of their new country. They are living apart, isolated and unsuccessful. It's no wonder they are turning to extremist whisper campaigns.

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