Monday 12 August 2024

Kier Stalin, the New Authoritarian Generalissimus of The UK, Fails to Keep us Safe.

Kier Stalin, the new authoritarian Prime Minister of the UK, our new UberParent, the one whose first reaction was to give the working class a good spanking to keep them in line, just lost the argument today.

An 11-year old girl and a 34-year-old woman were both stabbed by a single assailant in Leicester Square in London this lunchtime.

Keir's attention and focus on the low-hanging fruit, the easy targets, much like Blair did back in the day and I assume Kier as his time as head of the CPS did, has blinded him to the reality of the situation.

Right now, people on the streets are scared. they are concerned. They are not protesting for some obscure reason, some imaginary bogeyman you can dismiss as you would with a child.

People, real people, including children, are getting stabbed on our streets on an almost daily basis. 

What does Kier do about knife crime? Does he fast-track the stabbers? Does he fuck!

Instead he goes for the easy targets, the grandmas, the online shitposters, the people not backed up by a knife-wielding mob.

I tell you Kier, the measure of a true leader is to make the lives of those you are supposed to lead better. If you are a general then your soldiers are given every opportunity to survive. 

A poor general sends his soldiers into suicide missions.

A good PM makes the lives of the people of the UK better. He does now cow them by authoritarian edict. He leads by example. He takes them with him happily, he does not use an army to beat them into submission. He does not make their lives ever more controlled, so their relief from the interference of government is smaller and smaller.

Sort out the machete-wielding thugs Kier. Those are the thugs you should be concentrating on. Fast-track them to jail.

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