Monday 8 July 2024

ID Cards back on the Agenda

Now Labour is back in power, who rolls into the fray but the ancient warmonger Tony Blair.

He wants ID cards to be deployed as a way of tackling the immigration issue. 

But Tony, you started the fucking crisis in the first place! Yes, the inept, clueless Tories made it worse, but you set the steps in train to get to this point. I point that I'm sure was engineered.

After we rejected your idea of ID cards back in your premiership, I'm sure your globalist mates said "fuck 'em, lets start a scenario where they'll be screaming for ID cards". 

Yeah, hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, a fair percentage of whom have absconded into the population later, I'm still not convinced about ID cards. How about having a non-porous border in the first place so the numbers entering the country illegally can be controlled.

It's funny how the Left lover controlling things, like your life, but not immigration.

Anyway, ID cards. Fuck off. Do your job properly and secure our border. Send anyone who arrives here back to France (a safe country). 

Eliminate any extra-national obstacle placed in our way of doing that, like the ECHR.

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