Monday 19 June 2023

Why I'll NEVER Vote for Labour.

It simply boil down to : what has the Labour party ever done for me, a working class person?

Let me begin by saying I will not at the next election be voting Conservative either, because I think I've repaid whatever debt I owed them with subsequent votes.

What do I mean?

Well, the only Government that actually did anything FOR me was the Thatcher government. They helped introduce a government-funded training scheme that took in anyone that could pass the entrance exams and trained them to become computer operator or programmers. The ultimate in upward mobility. Kids with no qualifications catapulted into higher earning.

The BCC Threshold scheme aimed to correct the shortage of operators and programmers by taking anyone that proved an aptitude, irrespective of formal qualifications on a scheme that compressed the 2-year BTEC computing course into a mere 6 months intensive learning, combined with 2 6-week modules working in industry gaining experience.

Initially several hundreds applicants were whittled down to a mere couple dozen candidates on the course. Those on the course were then further split over time into those that could program and those that could not. Those that could not were eventually employed as operators and those that had an aptitude for programming stayed on the course for a few weeks more learning how to code in commercial computer languages. At the time the chosen language was COBOL.

Whilst on the course you were paid more than the normal rate for being unemployed, an incentive to stay on the course and learn. If you didn't you were dropped and lost your government-funded allowance. Harsh, but fair.

The one takeaway was that the government back then wanted to invest in the resources it had within the country. The answer to a skills shortage was to invest inwardly rather than todays answer which is to buy cheap labour in from abroad.

It's something I was eternally grateful for. The government directly giving me that opportunity which gave me a good standard of living which allowed me to bring up my kids at least to their teens well-fed and in a warm home.

Then Labour got in and ruined everything. All my life Labour have not contributed one single benefit upon me. Instead we got the politics of envy and a grasping nature, brining in fixed penalty notices and absolute offences there was no defence for. They made it harder for me to continue keeping myself out of the poverty I'd know as a single-parent child.

As a couple, myself and my wife didn't even benefit from in-work benefits, because the rules were too complicated. We lost more than we benefitted.

They brought in the IR35 HMRC rules that put paid to my computer contracting career. 

At the end of the tenure of the Labour party, I had gone from earning above average salary, to almost minimum wage. The opportunities that were available before Labour came into power were long gone by the time they had been replaced. 

I imagine my story wasn't unique. Just imagine how much effect that would have on the economy as higher wage earners stop earning those wages and stop paying those taxes and stop paying money into the economy.

Then we had the New Conservatives in power. And despite several attempts by the voters to give them the power to reverse some of the more devastating policies implemented by Blair and Brown, they instead doubled-down on the ruinous slide into globalism and the trip to the bottom and competition for the lowest global wage.

Despite that, I gave them one last chance with Boris at the helm. Along with others I gave him an 80-seat majority. Surely now he had the ability to stand up to EU malfeasance and stick it to the weaselly negotiators that tried to stich the UK up at every turn. 

But nope. Instantly the globalists turned on Boris hamstringing him. No doubt he did himself no favours, being led more by his penis than his brain. The pre-Carrie Boris that made London a safer and more vibrant place to be and against the odds replaced the burning Bendy-Busses with the New Routemaster was gone. Instead we had a bumbling buffoon that failed entirely to capitalise on his political majority. 

We got the globalist quick fixes of mass migration instead of inward investment, of ever lower wages, of control by supra-national organisations that did not have the interests of the UK at their core. 

The country went to shit under Cameron. It got worse under Theresa May's rudderless and ultimately pointless tenure and then we got Boris who just looked like a Rabbit caught in the headlamps of a large truck for most of his tenure. 

I find that Prince Harry and Boris have a lot in common: natural Conservatives that have been captured by the crotches of female extreme-left activists. 

But I digress. 

Basically the New post-Blair Conservatives have just continued the ruination of the country. Their interests are the interests of their Billionaire chums. There is not one thought for the poor of this country, not one idea that would provide a path to raise them from poverty, no policy that would give improved opportunities.

The death-knell was net-zero. Not the mass-migration that many point to. Net-Zero showed the country that the Conservatives had no idea about security, most importantly energy security. The security that keeps the lights on and our homes warm in winter.

Instead the Conservatives pushed ahead with policies that made energy more expensive and personal transport less likely. They didn't even attempt to solve the housing crisis. Even given a huge majority in Parliament. They didn't have a clue what to do.

And now we are supposed to lend our vote to Kier "I'm alright Jack" Starmer. A person that is so visibly far removed from the hardships that "traditional" Labour voters are facing that I'm sure a large percentage of previous Labour supporters are totally opposed to him.

Which brings me back to why I'll never vote for Labour: they have done nothing for me in their entire tenure in power. In fact they made my life patently worse. So fuck 'em, no vote from me.

Sadly I think that the New Conservatives have used up any loyalty I have to them. They have failed in 13 years to pull back from Blair and Brown's mess and it's affect on my lifestyle and the lifestyle of my kids.

They have failed to make the most of a massive majority in Parliament. They have squandered their time in power. It's hard to imagine a Conservative government making my life worse, but here we are. I'm worse off than I was under Blair and Brown. I'm paying more for things I should not be paying more for because of an ideology that has gripped all of the major parties.

I was just going to say that I'm not going to vote Labour because I know for a fact they will make my life worse. But I won't vote Tory either, because they've shown no signs of making it better.

So no, I will not be voting Labour. But I won't be voting Tory either. My vote is up for grabs, just who will provide the policies that I can vote for? 

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