Wednesday 24 July 2019

Get Woke, Go Broke? Not If you're the one Promoting it.

There is a continuing agenda called "Wokeness" that is being talked about on the internet.

Basically Wokeness is an agenda the promotes certain leftist agendas. Agendas the population at large don't generally care about.

To explain, you'll see more LGBTQ+ characters in films, more strong female characters and a deliberate attempt to subsume typical male roles.

Previously, the entertainment industry has relied on stereotypes: it's a shorthand to allow viewers of films and television to instantly get into a film or programme. You broke those stereotypes at your peril, lest the viewers become confused as to the intentions of the writers. There are several stereotypes, but the most basic and early stereotype was the "White hat good, Black hat bad" stereotype of early westerns.

In fact Black or White hats has become a spoken and written stereotype too, meaning good and bad, as in "Black Hat Hacker".

Anyway, several of the latest TV and movie franchises have moved to this woke narrative, the most disastrous being the last series of Doctor Who, where the franchise breaks the narrative of over half a century and makes the Dr a female character. A female character with as much gravitas as a pop tart.
Viewing figures have steadily declined through previous episodes as the episodes started to push a politically correct and woke narrative to viewers. The last season's viewing figures have almost spelled the end of the series, but the BBC are making another push at ramming their agenda down licence-payer's throats and are making series 13.

Then Star Wars got the woke bug, emasculating the previously heroic character Luke Skywalker. Casting him in the latest films as some bumbling couldn't-car-less coward. Nope: strong female characters are the new Star Wars agenda under Disney.

And so it goes on through several franchises that just have to have a strong female lead and when they are around make the male leads into bumbling fools in order to enhance the female character. As if a female can't share the screen with a male without chopping his knackers off metaphorically.

Or just the basic premise of remaking a film with female leads where the previous film had all-male leads (aka the dismal Ghostbusters remake).

Such is wokeness.

The phrase "Get woke, go broke" has been created by film franchise fans to describe the falling viewing figures created by these agenda-ridden films.

But the penny hasn't dropped amongst film-makers.... yet. And you have to wonder why. I mean, one film or TV series that has dropped a huge slice of fans should be a warning sign to production companies, but instead they continue to churn out politically correct claptrap with nonsensical plotlines that jar with previous narratives.

So, if these agendas, these messages are still being promoted despite the financial losses... why?

Because those a t the top of the tree, the monied elite who bankroll Hollywood and these various film projects want this agenda. They want the emasculation of males, so no strong male leader rises to the fore. They want to create an atmosphere, asocial agenda where being a strong male leader is as toxic to driving without a seatbelt, or smoking in a Restaurant.

They want to curb dissent, they want to disenfranchise leaders, they want homogeneity they want drones, they want sheep they can manipulate.

And all the while this PC crap is being fed to us, they are succeeding in changing public one turkey of a film at a time. The problem is I don't think the money will run out any time soon.

It's unlike me to miss a Star Wars or a Marvel film… I love Sci Fi and fantasy. But they have moved so far away from my life experience, my personal truth that I haven't watched the last half-dozen blockbuster films. They do not interest me. Nor did I watch Dr Who or any BBC drama in the last 5 years or so.

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