Wednesday, 26 March 2025

The Game is Rigged: A Call for Assistance.

It seems very clear now that the Reform party is not the saviour of the UK we all hope it was. Farage has now repeatedly stated he will not remove the millions of illegal immigrants that are here in this country.

So it looks like the political game is rigged against the majority and all roads now lead to a majority Muslim population by 2050. Luckily I don't have another 25 years in me, I will be long gone before it comes to pass.

But the middle classes who virtue signal need to look long and hard at themselves. The people who want their daughters to be doctors, lawyers, to have successful jobs: in 25 years or less, that will all end., The opportunities for their daughters and granddaughters will be removed by religious zealotry.

This has played out in more than a dozen countries that went from majority Christian to majority Muslim. Some transitioned peacefully, but they were sadly in the minority. The transitions in the main were bloody and violent.

This is the future the virtue signalling middle classes are condemning all of us to. It is not something that will affect others, it will come back to bite them and bite them hard. No one will save them from the harshness of the religious extremism that will become the norm.


Something is done before we get to the tipping point. 

Right now, the game is rigged. Those of us that can see the future can't get a foothold politically in order to affect change. Those of us that point out the trajectory are labelled as racists, bigots and worse. Any party that rises up against the current trajectory is actively attacked and destroyed. 

By the time the middle classes realise the problem, it will be too late.

The people in the UK are hamstrung by the lack of power. We have no power inside the political process and there is no way to affect change outside it either. We have been stripped of the means to affect revolution. We have no weapons. We certainly cannot match the firepower of the government. 

So, this is a call for assistance to the Christian world outside of the UK: If you don't want the UK to fall to the Muslim extremists, do something NOW. Pressure our political elites by all means possible to reverse the trajectory. 

To the USA: the time has come to remove the nuclear deterrent from the hands of the UK government. Demand the return of your Trident missiles, lest the fall into the hands of the extremists.

Make it clear to the WHOLE of Europe that you will not defend a Muslim controlled Europe if they continue down this trajectory.

In the meantime, I call on the agencies of the Christian world to start supporting the resistance to a Muslim Europe. I call on America to deploy the CIA to covertly effect a reversal of this policy in Europe. I call on all Christian democracies of the world to deploy all covert and overt means to save Western democracy. 

I call on the CIA to infiltrate our political class and identify the collusion, corruption and highlight the activities that are bringing us down. Kier Starmer and his government are not "just" Socialists. They are Marxists at best and outright communists at worst. They are not friends of the Christian world. 

I call on the USA to deploy the CIA to create and fund a resistance movement to push back against the corrupt anti-Christian political elite.

If necessary I call on America to deploy military assets and if necessary military force to keep the UK Christian. 

The UK was used as a stepping stone against tyranny in the last war and I don't doubt it will be needed again in the future to fight the war against the Muslim extremists, Marxists and Communists that are destroying the UK and Europe as a whole.

Friday, 21 March 2025

Heathrow's lack of Resillience.

 The Big news this morning is that Heathrow Airport, the biggest in the country, will be closed for the day due to a fire at a local substation. The loss of the substation has caused a severe power outage at Heathrow. 


How is the biggest airport in the country not supplied by multiple power sources, so that if they lose one, they can continue on the others? 

The running of Heathrow, after all, is a life-critical resource.

The GPS co-ordinates of the substation have no doubt been noted by bad actors. It will have also been noted that the UK's strategic resources are poor served by utility companies and that there are weaknesses around our defences, in that our airfields (within which I include military airfields) may be served by a single power source, leaving them vulnerable to attack once that resource is taken out. 

Reminds me of when I was given the job of Network Manager when I worked for ICL. 

I'd done all the costings, made sure that there was resilience in the network so the factory could continue working if a wire was cut. Not only building it into the design of the network, but also running duplicate cable lays so that back-up cables were already in place if it was just a cable that was cut. If part of the building was destroyed, then the network was designed so that traffic was automatically rerouted around the hole. 

But when it came to the external connections to the broader internet, we had no control over resilience. I'd written a report identifying this weakness and asked for permission and authority to investigate. I was refused, the managers saying that they had been told by BT that we had two connections. One down to and exchange in Manchester to the West and one running over the Pennines to the East. 

No proof was provided, we just took it on spec from BT that this was the case, with no investigation.

Months later a JCB digging up the pavement outside what would be an ALDI store dug through the fibre optic cables. We instantly lost all our internet connectivity.

It turned out that both our external lines were routed down that road to ICLs development premises at West Gorton, and THEN split into two separate channels. One of which went back along the very same pavement as our two supposedly resilient connections. 

Network connections to the factory were down for days. 

And I'm appalled that Heathrow doesn't have half a dozen connections to the power grid. One for every terminal (of which there are five) and a spare. All of which are managed automatically so that there is no loss of power if one is taken out,

But it seems conversations with utility companies on concepts like resilience and triple-redundant back-ups haven't progressed much past the Eighties...

Tuesday, 18 March 2025

The Government's Conservative Welfare Policy Won't Work.

It's hard to see the current government as a Labour government, they are more like the historical nasty party, the Tories.

The current nonsense from government is to get the disabled off benefits and into work. 

Great, how do you propose to do that? Just dump people off welfare?

Because I've talked before, several times about the gulf between being on benefits and being in work. It's not so simple, because as soon as you leave the comfort of benefits, the reality of working and having to pay rent, food and energy bills out of minimum wage makes it virtually impossible to make the jump. The cost of living is outstripping the supply of wages.

Even more so for the disabled, who require their employers to make special accommodations for their disabilities. Straight away the disabled have even more of a hill to climb and even more expense. 

If the disabled person can't use buses, how are they supposed to get to work? If they can only use taxis, where does the extra money for that come from? Benefits? Oh, so they've still got to claim in-work benefits to actually work? 

Where is the sense in that?

I've said before that my son requires a very understanding employer. He needs in-work support. But how are employers that can't even fund training courses for able-bodied staff be convinced to pay to support mentally ill or disabled people in work? It just isn't going to happen.

So these people will drop off benefits and end up homeless. 

That's not a good look for a caring Labour government.