Monday 18 May 2009

Speaker Michael Martin Clinging on by Fingerstips

I've listened to the Speaker's mealy-mouthed statement and I'm currently listening to the points of order. Michael Martin is hiding behind procedure as he gets bettered from all sides. Basically he's trying to avoid the motion of no confidence in him being debated tomorrow.

What's interesting is listening through headphones, I'm hearing voices of discontent from MPs in the background.

Michael Martin has lost the confidence of the majority of MPs. The rest of the week will be interesting as he tries to dodge the bullet.

All of this does show up how our antiquated Parliamentary procedures need reform. Lords can only be suspended, not sacked, MPs can only be re-elected, not sacked and the speaker is difficult to dislodge. Procedure needs to be changed and introduced, so that people in Parliament can be sacked mid-term if necessary.

We need some accountability in government, currently we're not getting it.

Its time to call an election and elect MPs based on their willingness to reform Parliament.


  1. MMmmn, but we also need a proceedure for ensuring that once in power they will reform.....Tony Blair said he was going to reform, then didn't.

  2. 646 of them

    60,000,000 of us.

    NEVER forget it. They have....
